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London’s Design Museum Rescued

Far far away, behind the word moun­tains, far from the coun­tries Voka­lia and Conso­nan­tia, there live the blind texts. Sepa­ra­ted they live in Book­marks­grove right at the coast of the Seman­tics, a large lan­guage ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and sup­plies it with the neces­sa­ry rege­lia­lia. It is a para­di­se­ma­tic coun­try, in which roas­ted parts of sen­tences fly into your mouth. Even the all-power­ful Poin­ting has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unor­tho­gra­phic life One day howe­ver a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum deci­ded to leave for the far World of Gram­mar. The Big Oxmox advi­sed her not to do so, because there were thou­sands of bad Com­mas, wild Ques­tion Marks and devious Semi­ko­li, but the Lit­tle Blind Text didn’t lis­ten. She packed her seven ver­sa­lia, put her ini­tial into the belt and made her­self on the way. When she rea­ched the first hil­ls of the Ita­lic Moun­tains, she had a last view back on the sky­line of her home­town Book­marks­grove, the head­line of Alpha­bet Vil­lage and the sub­line of her own road, the Line Lane. Pity­ful a retho­ric ques­tion ran over her cheek, then she conti­nued her way. On her way she met a copy. The copy war­ned the Lit­tle Blind Text, that where it came from it would have been rewrit­ten a thou­sand times and eve­ry­thing that was left from its ori­gin would be the word “and” and the Lit­tle Blind Text should turn around and return to its own, safe coun­try. But nothing the copy said could convince her and so it didn’t take long until a few insi­dious Copy Wri­ters ambu­shed her.

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